There are multiple techniques to enforce SFDC Users to enter values to all required fields before the Conversion. Let's discuss these techniques with implementation details and all its PROS and CONS.
How to enforce Sales Reps to enter values to required Lead fields before the Conversion.
#1 Make fields required on Lead layout
The most obvious and straight forward solution. But not the best one. Salesforce Lead layout allows Administrator to make some fields required (mandatory). But it's hard for Sales representative to get values for all required fields at once. In most cases Sales person can enter some data initially and then revisit the Lead record to update the rest of the important fields later.PROS: Easy to implement
CONS: Not convenient for Users. To make any update (edit the Lead) User have to enter values in all required fields at once.
#2 Use a validation rule to fire when Lead is actually converted
Such validation rule will help to make certain fields required before converting the Lead but not require them to be entered when User edits the Lead's record.
Here is example of Validation Rule (could be adjusted to meet particular business requirements)
Rule Name: Lead_Conversion_Validation
Error Condition Formula:
Error Message:
Please fill out following fields before conversion:
- Phone
- Full Address
- Website
- Range of Revenues
- Lead Source
PROS: Pretty easy to implement
CONS: Still not convenient for Users. The Validation Rule fires ONLY when user hit the Convert button on the Lead page, entered data on Conversion page and clicked Convert button. If something goes wrong (any required field is missed) - user will lose his time and will have to return back to the Lead page to enter missed data. Also Error Message is very general and does not really help the User to identify the missed field(s).
#3 Use workflow to update the Lead's Record Type/Layout when User enters all required for conversion fields
To build this solution you will have to create and support two Lead Record Types and related identical Lead layouts:
- NotReadyForConversion (default) Lead Record Type and related Lead layout without Convert button
- ReadyForConversion Record Type and related Lead layout with Convert button
Custom workflow have to check/monitor if all required fields have data.
When the necessary fields are filled out workflow action will update the Lead's Record Type to ReadyForConversion and Users will see the Lead in new layout - with Convert button.
PROS: Allows user to edit the Lead and Convert it only when all required fields are filled out.
CONS: Required two Record Type and two Layouts. Difficult to maintain - especially if you have multiple Leads Record Types/Layouts/User Profiles. Still not convenient for Users. No Error message. User can't see/check out which fields are still missing.
#4 Override the standard 'Convert' button with custom button and related VF page/Controller
SFDC Administrator/Developer can create a new custom 'Convert' button to be used on Lead layout instead of native one. Click to the button will call popup window with custom VF page and Controller to check if all required fields have data (based on particular business requirements).
- If all required fields are filled out - embedded in VF page JavaScript will auto close the pop up window and redirect User to Conversion page.
- If any required field(s) not filled out yet - VF page will show User Error message with information about which field(s) have to be entered. By click to Close button / or lose pop up window focus / or in 10 seconds of inactivity - close/auto close pop up window. User still on the Lead page and can enter data in missed field.
CONS: Required some development. But final result worth the efforts - Sales Users are happy with the solution which help then save time and meet data quality criteria.
Solution Code Sample: (please contact us if you have questions or want to modify this solution to meet your particular business requirements)
Custom Button
Label: Convert
Object Name: Lead
Name: ConvertCustom
Behavior: Execute JavaScript
Display Type: Detail Page Button
OnClick JavaScript
var url = "/apex/Lead_Conversion_Validation?id={!Lead.Id}";
var width = "350";
var height = "350";, '','scrollbars=no,resizable=no,status=no,toolbar=no,menubar=no, width=' + width + ',height=' + height + ',left=' + ((window.innerWidth - width)/2) + ',top=' + ((window.innerHeight - height)/2) );
Visualforce Page: Lead_Conversion_Validation
Version : 1.0
Company : Websolo Inc. (
Date : 07/2014
Update History :
<apex:page standardController="Lead" showHeader="false" sidebar="false" extensions="LeadConversionValidation">
width: 300% !important;
window.onload = function(){
window.onblur = function(){window.close();}
if(document.getElementById('sd').innerHTML == "")
var ids = document.getElementById('ids').innerHTML;
window.opener.location.href="/lead/leadconvert.jsp?retURL=%2F" + ids + "&id=" + ids;;
}, 10000);
<div id="sd" style="display: none;">{!reft}</div>
<div id="ids" style="display: none;">{!leadobjid}</div>
<apex:pageBlock title="Lead Conversion Validation">
<apex:pageBlockButtons location="bottom">
<button onclick="window.close();">Close</button>
<apex:pageMessage severity="error" strength="1">
<apex:outputText value="{!error}" escape="false" />
<apex:outputText value="{!sterrmsg}" escape="false" rendered="{!sterr}"/><br />
Apex Class: LeadConversionValidation
(controller - code could be adjusted to meet particular business requirements)
Version : 1.0
Company : Websolo Inc. (
Date : 07/2014
Update History :
public class LeadConversionValidation
public id leadobjid {get; set;}
public String error {get; set;}
public String reft {get; set;}
public Boolean sterr {get; set;}
public String sterrmsg {get; set;}
public LeadConversionValidation(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
sterr = false;
sterrmsg = 'To convert Lead please change Lead Status to Contacted';
error = 'Please fill out following fields before conversion:<br />';
reft = '';
leadobjid = ((Lead) controller.getRecord()).id;
Lead leadobj = [select Status, LastName, Keywords__c, Financing_Notes__c, Email,Phone,Website,Employees__c,Rapport__c,LeadSource,Range_of_Revenues__c,State,Street,City,PostalCode,Country from Lead where id =: leadobjid ];
if(leadobj.LastName == null ||
leadobj.Keywords__c == null ||
leadobj.Financing_Notes__c == null ||
leadobj.Email == null ||
leadobj.Phone == null ||
leadobj.Website == null ||
leadobj.Employees__c == null ||
leadobj.Rapport__c == null ||
leadobj.LeadSource == null ||
leadobj.Range_of_Revenues__c == null ||
leadobj.State == null ||
leadobj.Street == null ||
leadobj.City == null ||
leadobj.PostalCode == null ||
leadobj.Country == null)
reft = '1';
if(leadobj.Keywords__c == null){error = error + '- Keywords<br />';}
if(leadobj.Financing_Notes__c == null){error = error + '- Call Notes (at least 100 characters)<br />';}
if(leadobj.Email == null){error = error + '- Email<br />';}
if(leadobj.Phone == null){error = error + '- Phone<br />';}
if(leadobj.Website == null){error = error + '- Website<br />';}
if(leadobj.Employees__c == null){error = error + '- Employees Range<br />';}
if(leadobj.Rapport__c == null){error = error + '- Rapport<br />';}
if(leadobj.LeadSource == null){error = error + '- Lead Source<br />';}
if(leadobj.LastName == null){error = error + '- Lead Name<br />';}
if(leadobj.Range_of_Revenues__c == null){error = error + '- Range of Revenues<br />';}
if(leadobj.State == null || leadobj.Street == null || leadobj.City == null || leadobj.PostalCode == null || leadobj.Country == null){error = error + '- Full Address<br />';}
if(leadobj.Status != 'Contacted')
//sterr = true;
if(reft == '1')
sterr = true;
error = '';
reft = '1';
sterr = true;
Apex Class: TestLeadConversionValidation (test coverage)
Version : 1.0
Company : Websolo Inc. (
Date : 07/2014
Update History :
private class TestLeadConversionValidation
static testMethod void myUnitTest()
Lead ld = new Lead();
ld.LastName = 'test';
ld.Company = 'test';
ld.Email = '';
ld.Phone = '1112223456';
insert ld;
LeadConversionValidation obj = new LeadConversionValidation(new ApexPages.StandardController(ld));
Holy crap, thank you for saving me a ton of googling and pain!
ReplyDeleteWhich of these are particularly good/bad when using Salesforce1? I'm concerned about 3 and 4 in particular.
Hello there,
ReplyDeleteSolution #3 will work on Salesfroce 1 with no issues since it uses native SFDC features.
More advanced #4 solution uses Visualforce page which must be enabled for mobile use before they can display in these areas of the Salesforce1 user interface. Please also consider how VF will look and function on mobile phones and tablets. Most likely, you’ll want to create a new page specifically for mobile platform.
Let us know if you will need help!
Thanks, Websolo Team
#2 needs the option: Require Validation for Converted Leads
ReplyDeleteto be checked first, in order for it to work
Thanks Karym!
DeleteYes, Require Validation for Converted Leads has to be check to "activate" validation rule
Hello. Where do we find the "Require Validation for Converted Leads" parameter ? I can't find it neither on the profile setup, nor on the user card...
DeleteThank you in advance !
Setup -> Customize -> Leads -> Lead Settings
DeleteThe exact solution I was looking for. Works great. Thanks for the code.
ReplyDeleteWelcome Jonathan!
ReplyDeleteAmazing write-up! Thank you very much. I like that you gave pro's and con's for each solution. I ended up using Solution #2 because I only have 1 user and a very simple conversion process, so he doesn't mind the potential inconvenience of the validation step. Of course this would be unacceptable if there were dozens of users and/or many fields on the conversion page.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your comment!
DeleteThe solution 4 works well for Classic.
ReplyDeleteBut what modifications do we need to do for Lightning Experience